Dried Leaves |
Here some photos of dried Salvia leaves. They can look and feel quite different depending on the time and method of harvest. |
Comparison of size Here a long leave in comparison with a video tape (for those who dont only know DVDs :). Leave sizes up to 30 cm/12 inch are quite possible when the growing conditions are right. |
Cross-Sections |
Scans of cross-sections of Salvia divinorum stems. They demonstrate the typical construction of Salvia divinorum stems. |
Salvia divinorum - cross-section 2 - Trinity Here two cross-sections of a "Trinity" plant. THis mutation creates plants with 3 leaves at each node and 6-sided stems. This was a quite fat stem and is hollow inside. |
Diverse Photos |
Various images that match with no other category. |
Waving Stem 2 Another waving border of a stem. I dont know if this appears at any other salvia species. |
Waving Stem 3 Another twisted stem with a fresh sprout. |
Salvinorin A Quite pure Salvinorin A. Completly cleaned Salvinorin A are white crystals. |
Start to flower? Two quite strange looking "branches". Maybe this plant wanted to start to flower because of stress? They stopped to grow so I will never know. |
Josy 1 Salvia divinorum plants in an aquarium to keep humidity higher. Photo by Josy. |
Josy 2 Two new branches will usually grow after cutting the main branch. Photo by Josy. |
Josy 3 Healthy indoor plant. Photo by Josy. |
Josy 4 Stem cutting-recycling. Some parts started to root in the humid air. Photo by Josy. |